In Singapore, the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a standardized test used to determine the academic pathway for primary school students advancing to secondary school. After PSLE results are released, students are allocated to different secondary schools based on their scores, with each school having its own cut-off point. These cut-off points change every year and are influenced by factors such as the school’s reputation, academic performance, and co-curricular activities.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) uses a computerized system to allocate students to secondary schools, giving priority to the choices indicated by students and parents, with the goal of fairly distributing students among schools. Cut-off points serve as a transparent benchmark to help families make informed decisions and to ensure an allocation system based on results. This process is crucial in shaping a student’s educational journey and stands as an important milestone in Singapore’s education landscape.

Since cut-off points may change, it is essential for all concerned parties to stay updated with the latest information from MOE to navigate the secondary school allocation process effectively.

Below are the latest cut-off points for secondary schools in 2024 (applicable to students entering Secondary 1 in 2025).

Cut-Off Point – Singapore Secondary School Posting 2024

Higher Chinese Language (HCL) Scores:

  • D = Distinction
  • M = Merit
  • P = Pass


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